This award is for all clubs in good standing and is announced each year by the District Secretary/Treasurer at the Mid-Year Conference.
EVERY report listed below MUST be filed on the Kiwanis Dashboard in order for the club to receive credit for that particular part of the requirement.
For 2023-2024 the following requirements MUST BE MET BY THE FOLLOWING DEADLINES:
Every OFFICIAL MONTHLY REPORT from October 2023 through September 2024 must be submitted on line NO LATER THAN the 10th OF FOLLOWING MONTH. Example: October Monthly Report must be submitted by November 10th.
2023-2024 CLUB ELECTION REPORT must be submitted on line NO LATER THAN JUNE 1, 2024. Such report of club election MUST contain at least the correct name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address of the 2024-2025 club president and 2024-2025 club secretary.
ALL DISTRICT DUES PAID ON TIME within sixty (60) days after receiving invoice.
Prompt filing of the online report and following the instructions are required to earn this award.
2023-2024 Superior Club Reporting Award
(October 1, 2023 thru September 30, 2024)
This award is for all clubs in good standing and is announced each year by the District Secretary/Treasurer at the Mid-Year Conference.
EVERY report listed below MUST be filed on the Kiwanis Dashboard in order for the club to receive credit for that particular part of the requirement.
For 2023-2024 the following requirements MUST BE MET BY THE FOLLOWING DEADLINES:
Prompt filing of the online report and following the instructions are required to earn this award.