2024-2025 Club Website Award

Contest Period: October 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 Submission by July 15th.

Each KY-TN Kiwanis club is encouraged to create and maintain an up-to-date website for their club as a source of Kiwanis communication, as a source of information for anyone interested in learning more about Kiwanis and to encourage them to join your club. .

To be considered in the judging, a club needs to send an up-to-date link to their club’s website to  thedistrict office Submissions must be received by July 15th. First and second place winners

will be awarded. Webistes will be judged for criteria qualification by a committee.

Prejudging criteria:

Is it easy to use, read, attractive and interesting?

Does it contain items of Club, Division, District and International interest? Does it have a good format?

Who – are your leaders and committees?

What – about your club, its history, activities, fundraisers and projects? Where and when do you meet and how often?

Does it include contact information, a membership application? Does it recognize club achievement?

Does it use current Kiwanis branding? (Logo, color, font and Wordpress designs) Does it use photos effectively?

Please email the link to your website to the address below:

[email protected]
